

Utility Bills as a Park Home Owner

Utility Bills as a Park Home Owner

Understanding your rights as a park homeowner regarding utility bills is pivotal for maintaining transparency and ensuring fair treatment. When your park owner provides utilities such as electricity, water, or gas, you have the right to seek clarification on various aspects: 1. Utility Rates You’re entitled to know the rates you’re being charged for each…

brown and beige house and path

Leisure Living 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Happy Homeownership

Owning a leisure home is a significant milestone in one’s life, marking a transition to a new chapter filled with possibilities and opportunities for personalization. However, the journey to happy homeownership goes beyond just acquiring a property; it involves creating a space that fosters leisure, comfort, and joy. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll explore key…

What to Do to Prevent Loss of Freezer Contents in the Event of a Power Cut

What to Do to Prevent Loss of Freezer Contents in the Event of a Power Cut

Keeping Your Frozen Goods Safe and Sound We’ve all been there – you wake up in the morning only to discover that a power cut occurred during the night. Panic sets in as you rush to the kitchen to check on your freezer, fearing that all your hard-earned groceries have gone to waste. While power…

Older Park Homes

Older Park Homes

When you are looking to insure your soon-to-be-purchased park home or shopping around when your existing insurance is due for renewal, you quickly realise that the number of insurers who will offer a quote is limited. In reality, there are probably less than a dozen insurance providers who specialise in the insurance of park homes,…

An IPHAS Guide to Understanding Park Home Ownership

An IPHAS Guide to Understanding Park Home Ownership

Whether you’re a seasoned park homeowner or a prospective buyer, navigating the complexities of park home ownership requires careful consideration and understanding. In collaboration with the Independent Park Home Advisory Service (IPHAS), we’ve compiled some useful information to help you make sense of the buying process. 1. The Written Statement Park Home Written Statements, along…

Arranging Fundraising Activities Within Your Park Home Community

Arranging Fundraising Activities Within Your Park Home Community

In the heart of every park home community lies a strong sense of togetherness and camaraderie. These close-knit neighbourhoods often represent more than just a collection of houses; they are vibrant communities with residents who care deeply about one another. One way to foster this sense of community and give back is by organising fundraising…

How to Avoid Being Conned by Rogue Traders When Maintaining Your Park Home

How to Avoid Being Conned by Rogue Traders When Maintaining Your Park Home

Maintaining your park home is a responsibility that comes with owning this unique and comfortable accommodation style. Whether you’re a full-time resident or use your park home as a holiday getaway, you want to ensure that it remains in excellent condition. However, in the world of home maintenance, there’s always a risk of encountering rogue…

Fundraising Competition 2024

Fundraising Competition 2024

PBIS are proud to present a new competition for 2024! We are focusing on rewarding park home residents and their efforts to raise money for charity this year. All charities are worthy beneficiaries of donations, so the aim of the competition is not for us to judge who is most worthy but rather to draw…

New Quote & Buy Site!

New Quote & Buy Site!

We are delighted to be able to offer an online quote option through our website and thank our colleagues within the Digital Team at Insync Insurance for delivering this to our specifications. From the outset, we wanted the customer journey to be as easy to follow as possible, with the minimum number of questions to…

Picture of JUSTICE Campaign Rally 1.

JUSTICE Rally Update

Paul Baker Insurance Services (PBIS) was delighted to provide sponsorship to help park home residents travel to the Park Home Owners’ JUSTICE Campaign Rally at Downing Street and the House of Commons on the 28th of November. There was a great gathering of residents at the entrance to Downing Street to see campaign founder Sonia…

£400 Energy Rebate Update

£400 Energy Rebate Update

We wanted our readers to be aware that the Government has issued a press release regarding the Energy Prices Bill and £400 Energy Rebate, which will underpin the support it aims to provide those who do not typically have a domestic energy bill due to the type of housing they’re in, like Park Homes. The…

Fire Danger: Electric Fan Story

Fire Danger: Electric Fan Story

We recently received news of a fire that started from an Electric Fan that was being used by the Park Homeowner during the heatwave. Only the prompt action by the Park Homeowner and the Fire Brigade prevented this park home from being destroyed. Many of us have been using these devices probably continually during this…

An older couple sitting on the sofa reading newspapers.

Good News: Energy Bills Rebate for Park Home Residents

Following pressure from the Park Home Owners’ JUSTICE Campaign, the Government has now confirmed that Park Home residents will receive the £400 energy bill rebate. Previously it was unclear if residents who do not have a domestic electricity meter or a direct relationship with an energy supplier would receive the rebate. An announcement with details…

A headset left on top of a laptop with a telephone in the background. To signify a Telephone Operator Job.

The Park-Help-Line is Closed

We are sad to report that the Park-Help-Line founded by Sonia McColl of the Park Home JUSTICE Campaign, sponsored by Paul Baker Insurance Services (PBIS) and manned by volunteers, has taken its last call. The service has run successfully for a number of years, during which time it has helped hundreds of park home residents…

Update: the £400 Energy Grant

Update: the £400 Energy Grant

“There is much concern, and stories are circulating that park home residents will not get this payment.  This has been brought about because the Chancellor said that every household would get the £400 energy grant.  However, he failed to say that park homeowners would not get it because they did not have an individual electricity…

Useful Links
Useful Information

Useful Links

Please peruse our list of useful links for Park and Leisure Homeowners to help with complaints, maintenance, schemes and more. Government Advice and Fact Sheets on Park homes LEASE – Leasehold Advisory Service Park Homes Law Citizens Advice Consumer Service – Reporting to Trading Standards Citizens Advice Consumer Service – Consumer Query Advice Direct Scotland…


It’s business as usual at Paul Baker Insurance Services (PBIS)

Most readers will be aware that PBIS became part of Insync Solutions Ltd with effect from 1st January 2022. Whilst this has meant a number of behind-the-scenes changes to our internal systems, which are designed to ensure the business remains robust and efficient going forward, as far as policyholders are concerned, it is very much business…

Legal Information: Your Obligations and Site Owner’s
Useful Information

Legal Information: Your Obligations and Site Owner’s

The construction of a park home is unique, the lifestyle is unique, and the legislation which protects park home residents is pretty unique too – it only applies to park homes on parks which are licensed for permanent residential occupation – protected parks. Written Agreements are key to keeping everyone happy, so it is critically…

IPHAS looking for Website Editor

IPHAS looking for Website Editor

The national residents’ association IPHAS (Independent Park Home Advisory Service) is currently seeking to recruit someone to look after its website. For anyone who is not familiar with this organisation, IPHAS was established more than 25 years ago and, over the intervening years, has offered advice to thousands of people who either live in park…

The Wrong Paint

The Wrong Paint

This story recently came to our notice, and we thought it would be of interest to homeowners considering repainting their homes. It is a site rule that homeowners must maintain the outside of their homes, and the rules in this particular case stated the colour should not differ from the original colour scheme. The chosen…

Inspector for Thermal Insulation. Wearing an orange vest and hard hat.

Oil Heating in your Park Home

Whilst most park homes are heated by LPG, historically, many are heated by oil, usually because the park is not served by mains gas. Oil heating is, of course, perfectly acceptable, and park home insurance policies should cover loss or damage caused by the escape of oil; they should also cover the cost of any…


Survey your Park Home

We always recommend having a survey (and seeking out any hidden damage) when purchasing a park home; you would not contemplate buying bricks and mortar property without one; why should a park home be any different? One of the biggest causes of park home insurance claims is damage caused by the escape of water. Leaks…

The Benefits of a Qualifying Residents’ Association (QRA)
Advice | Tips

The Benefits of a Qualifying Residents’ Association (QRA)

Many residential parks have residents’ associations, some are fairly informal with no structure, rules or elected officers, and they may or may not have over 50% of the homes in their membership; these associations often have an informal relationship with the park owner, which can be beneficial and often organise community events and outings for…

Good Neighbour Awards

Good Neighbour Awards

There is no doubt that good neighbours, and conversely bad neighbours, can make a huge difference to our happiness and to our lives, no more so than in a residential park where, generally speaking, residents are older and quite often live alone. In some parks, some active social clubs and groups organise events and outings,…

Image for British Standard Post. Looking at Bills on a table.

Working From Home

One of the consequences of the COVID crisis is that more and more people are now working from home, and it is quite likely that for many, this will become the new ‘normal’. Here at Paul Baker Insurance Services, that is certainly going to be the case, with 8 out of 11 staff likely to…

How Secure is your Park Home?

How Secure is your Park Home?

There is a general perception that incidents of crime in residential parks are much lower than they are on a traditional housing estate, due in part to the fact that park home residents are generally retired. So their homes will likely be occupied during the working day when many homes on a traditional housing estate…

Advice | Tips

Advice: Refurbished Park Homes

An increasing number of older park homes are being refurbished. The results can be amazing, literally transforming a tired and dated property into the equivalent of a brand new home. Quite honestly, it can often be very difficult, if not impossible, to tell the original age of the property due to the exceptionally high standards…

FAQs about Park Homes
Useful Information

FAQs about Park Homes

Whilst we primarily park home insurance specialists, we have a very wide knowledge of the park home lifestyle, the park home community and issues and challenges that are faced by park home residents in their daily lives. We’ve compiled some frequently asked questions in the hope of answering your queries. If you have a question…

Unoccupied Homes and Covid-19
Advice | News

Unoccupied Homes and Covid-19

In these unprecedented times, many people have found themselves stranded away from home in all parts of the world; we have policyholders currently stuck in New Zealand, the Philippines, Spain and Portugal whose homes have now been unoccupied for 60 days or more. There are two elements to this, what policy terms apply when homes…

Insuring Older Park Homes

Insuring Older Park Homes

The design and construction of park homes have improved beyond measure in the last 20 years, and today’s modern ones bears little resemblance to the  ‘caravan’ style homes built in the 1960s and 1970s. Pitched tile effect roofs, double glazed UPVC doors and windows, central heating, underfloor and wall insulation, the latest appliances, walk-in wardrobes,…