New Quote & Buy Site!

We are delighted to be able to offer an online quote option through our website and thank our colleagues within the Digital Team at Insync Insurance for delivering this to our specifications. From the outset, we wanted the customer journey to be as easy to follow as possible, with the minimum number of questions to complete, and with customers being advised at the earliest opportunity if they have entered any information which results in them needing to speak to one of our advisors for more detail. Customers who receive their quotes can then purchase through a secure platform and view and save their documents online.

We appreciate that not every park home resident will feel comfortable going online for their insurance quote or be able to, but the launch of this service is a further reflection of one of the key principles of Paul Baker Insurance Service – letting the customer choose how they wish to interact with us, rather than us dictating how customers can access our services. This was one of the founding principles when we started up in 2015, as we recognised too many insurance providers want to force their customers down a certain route for their own cost efficiencies rather than for the benefit of their customers. In support of this founding principle, the team remain available to speak to on Freephone 0800 038 5094.  

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